Hello, welcome to the online art gallery, The Galleria. The function of this site is to help artists gain exposure for their beautiful works and to help them gain support so they can continue creating. Please take a look around and view the wonderful works each and every one of them has spent time and energy creating. 

Thank you and enjoy.

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The Galleria was designed with artists in mind. The main thing driving the creation of this platform is the connection of artists with individuals who’d like to view their art. Essentially, we are an online contemporary/postmodern art gallery. The creations viewed and submitted on the site were done so by individuals who may or may not have had traditional training in the arts. We don’t believe that a specific form of training is necessary for someone to create something thought-provoking, beautiful, or otherwise interesting. 


Our motto is “Create and Develop”. That’s why, as you view the gallery you will see several iterations of the same artwork and pieces of art made by the same individual but as time passes. We are a free online exhibition site made to exhibit artist’s work as they develop through time. You can view artists’ work by going to the above “gallery” button or by clicking here


Our online art gallery is a space to view work by artists you are unaware of. It’s meant to open individuals up to the art world and to show appreciation for the work people put into their medium of choice. 


Video Gallery Preview