
The Galleria is a site made for the people by a person The goal of The Galleria is to allow individuals to have a place where they post their artwork for others to enjoy, critique (not really necessary) or sell if they so choose. It’s pretty simple to understand how this site works. Click on gallery, either scroll through the galleries, or click on search bar to search for a specific art gallery.


Manny Perry

Manny is an artistic interested individual. He grew up in a home surrounded by all types of arts (that’s what happens when both of your parents are “artists” in their own right and they have 6 kids). Since he grew up around artists, he developed a love for the arts. And that love was only exacerbated (in a good way) by his attending a performing arts highschool and learning more about the arts. He wants to give back to the people and develop a community that allows individuals to share their work, get paid for it and not have to deal with the “starving artist” phase of life.