SACRIFICE by Kindred Soul

In depths unseen, where shadows dwell,

Lies a choice that words can’t tell, A sacrifice, a selfless act,

Where dreams are laid upon the rack.

A flicker of hope, a yearning deep,

To set aside what others keep,

To lay bare the soul, to give and give,

So others may flourish, may live.

The sting of surrender, the ache of release,

As cherished desires find no appease,

But in the depths of that selfless plea,

A greater purpose is set free.

For in the act of giving, we gain,

A strength that transcends, a love that remains,

The knowledge that in our sacrifice,

We make a difference, we pay the price.

So let us not shy away from the call,

To sacrifice for one and for all,

For in those moments of selfless giving,

We truly live, we truly are living.

So let our sacrifices be a beacon,

A light that guides, a path that’s beckoning,

Toward a world where compassion reigns,

And love’s flame forever sustains.