The Cheetah by Bijoy Kumar Dubey

The cheetah

How spotted, god marked,

With yellow and black spots,

Freckled and speckled

The brute,

The east of the forest!

The beauty of the wild,

The mystery of nature

So slick and swift-footed,

Bloody and beastly

The wild animal!

The Elephant

The elephant

So huge and gigantic

The mammoth,

The elephant

Standing just like

A chunk of a rock

Or a banyan tree

With its aerial roots.

The Wood-pecker

The wood-pecker

With its strange colour and look

Pecking into the bust of the tree

Like a carpenter at work

The wood-pecker

Pecking and making a shrill sound

When to fly or call

The strangely-looking wood-pecker

A bird of its type.